Stress Whisperer


Now----> MAKE IT HAPPEN !!!
The system and techniques that I use as a Stress Whisperer are about returning the mind, body and feelings to a state of balance and harmony so you are not limited by negative emotions.
Even though we are 'designed' to recover from unpleasant experiences or thought patterns, nevertheless we can be affected by recurring emotions from past events such as relationships, trauma or loss.
We can also be affected by ongoing or future events such as work-related stress, interpersonal problems, depression and various kinds of anxieties.

In these examples, emotions can be stuck rather than dispersed. Even if we try to ignore them, they still affect our lives. If people decide to do something about the negative feelings or patterns they may try counselling, see their doctor, or compensate for their feelings in some way. Every approach has its merits, but many people will not have heard of Emotional Freedom System (Decoding Brain) as an option for resolving their problem.

We are here to help you with:

Stress and Distress
Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Trauma, Abuse & PTSD
Shame, Guilt, Low Self-Esteem
Grief & Bereavement
Fear of Rejection
Fear of Public Speaking

Our Techniques Can Be Used to Greatly Enhance:
- Intimacy & Relationships
- Career
- Finances
- Achieving Goals
- Public Speaking
- Sales Performance
- Sports Performance
- Artistic Performance

​Quick Reference List:
​EFT Sessions​​​​​​
​Decoding Consultations​
Peak Performance​
EFT in Business and Corporation​
​Trauma, Depression, Anxiety​
Phobia Cure
Traditional Psychotherapy vs.
Meta EFT

With traditional talk psychotherapies you gain insights into the causes of your emotional difficulties and the new behaviors you would like to have. However, you are left needing to use your will power to try to behave in these new healthier ways. You still feel the internal urges in your "gut" to behave in the old ways. The result is an ongoing internal struggle between your gut feelings and your will power. This is very hard and progress can be very slow, sometimes taking years or even never.
So what's the advantage of our approach?

System that we use doesn't have this problem. After working through an issue using these tools, you come out feeling different and you actually are different. Your gut is no longer telling you to behave in the old unhealthy ways. New behaviors are now natural because there is no internal struggle. You have changed inside and are a different person around this issue. The struggle is over.

Our coaching system is 5 to 10 to 20 times faster than other methods. Our work has been shown to only take weeks to get relief and experience deep healing, understaning and emotional freedom instead of months to years (or never) with traditional psychotherapy.

95% success rate
Imagine yourself 3 months, 6 months, 12 months from now living at peace, healthy, enjoying your life, your relationships, doing what you really love to do, with people you love, following your dreams. Finally you have a great understanding of how stress, anxiety, your negative beliefs were ruling your life. You wasn't yourself, you had no idea how to stop these negative behaviours and stop repeating stress habits. But your struggle is over - thanks to the work you have done and knowledge you have gained. Now you have great tools to release all of the stress, negative emotions and beliefs, abundance and prosperity blocks. You are living your true YOU!!!