Stress Whisperer

Konrad W. Gorak is a Stress Whisperer, Business Success Coach, Money and Marketing Expert, EFT&Trauma Expert, Spiritual Teacher, Peak Performance & Weight Coach who shares information while helping clients with relationships, diseases, eating disorders and weight issues. The techniques he uses enable clients to become their own expert as they get free of the patterns and behaviours that have kept them stuck.

​Konrad W. Gorak is a creator of Meta EFT and Emotional Yoga. He is also a therapist who specializes in a Decoding of Illness - DecodingBrain System. He helps parents around the world with understanding their children's behaviours, emotional issues, and any other baby related challenges.

In the last couple of years he has been studying numerous holistic therapies to address the role disease plays in humans, society, and the environment and the psycho-cerebro-physical effects that manifest in the human body.

He has trained with some of world's greatest transformational teachers such as Karl Dawson, EFT Master and creator of Matrix Reimprinting.

In the last couple of years Konrad has been studying, combining, simplifying and amplifying the most powerful systems from which he created Meta EFT (Multidimensional Emotional Freedom Therapy).

Konrad is known for his sense of humor, his individual approach, groundbreaking methods, his ability to simplify complex and his easiness in passing knowledge and ideas to his clients.

Sometimes provocative, sometimes controversial but always very effective in cutting directly to the core of any health issue.
Our intention with this site and our services is to lead you to adopt a tranquil view of stress, illness and destiny. We would be satisfied if you comprehend that the way you look at these phenomena plays a large role in determining whether you find yourself on the road to health or the road to illness. But we are not seeking to inspire people to cultivate positive thoughts that have no foundation - far from it. This is not at all a new Coue Method (psychological practice of autosuggestion), quite the contrary.

Illness comes about, in part, due to a profound lack of awerness about the root cause of illness. Moving into the biological reality of the illness allows healing to occur by making it possible to see each symptom for what it truly is through an examination of that symptom's meaning.
Only through a full understanding of an illness and its symptoms is the road to recovery illuminated.
Our work and the content of this site may conflict with your beliefs. They might also, by inspiring understanding and realization, prompt healing and other reparative effects. Remember that finding the causal feeling is one thing, resolving it is something else again. We help you do both.