Stress Whisperer

Insofar as we observe illnesses through a watching and a listening that are biological, we realize that they all begin with a shock, a precise, punctual event in space and time.
8:00 8:01 8:02 8:03 8:04* 8:05 8:06
All is well until 8:04. There is a before. There is an after.
This event, indicated with an asterisk in the time line above, enters into biology when it is not managed by its subject. For example, one day I see my daughter slapped in the public park. In a second, that enters me and becomes an agitation; through my senses it makes contact with my history, which renders a meaning – a meaning that becomes a sensation: “It’s awful! Not right! Rotten! Embarrassing! Unthinkable! Depressing!”
And if I am without an immediately satisfying solution and this emotion does not get expressed, this sense perception becomes a biological felt sense: “It’s indigestible” (which would affect the stomach); “it’s suffocating” (which would affect the lungs); “dismantling” (bones); “disgusting” (colon); “a breakdown” (kidney).
An event becomes a sense and then becomes a sensation. It enters through our five senses and then it tries to leave. When it is impossible for this sensation to be spoken, it moves into the unconscious, into the biology, into the mind, the brain , the body, the energy field. Each of these elements tells us about the others. Taking a Chinese pulse informs us about the energy level of each organ.
Since each cell of the body is connected to a group of cerebral neurons, which itself is linked to a biological function, observation of the brain allows us to determine the type of felt sense that has been hurt and remained unspoken and which organ is affected. And conversely, each type of illness, and therefore the cells that are affected, tells us about which felt sense needs to be freed for healing to take place.
If healing does not take place, the patient will remain under unconscious stress with respect to the shocking event – sometimes for years at a time – and a part of his being , of his energy, is appropriated.
As Carl Gustav Jung has written: “Everything that does not rise into consciousness comes back as destiny”, and I would add that it comes back as a symptom, as illness, as an accident, as a failure, as a discomfort; and au contraire: everything that rises into consciousness no longer comes back as destiny, as fate, as illness!
Decoding of Illness
Do you want to know which specific stress triggers and emotions affect:
- Back pain (or any type of pain in your body)
- Allergies
- Eczema and other inflammatory symptoms
- High blood pressure or high colesterol
- Diabetes
- Headaches
- Cancer
- Obesity
- Flu or other bacterial or viral infections
- Stomach or other digestive illnesses
- Depression and psychological health issues
- And other bodymind symptoms ...