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Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! I don't know how to thank you. It's been a great journey since we've started working on my depression. I have to say very short journney. It's gone. It's been there for more than 10 years - now it's gone. Your great knowledge and wisdom helped me discover myself again. I found a purpose in my life and finally I'm ready to go for it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

                                                                        - Emma




My history has been with allopathic `medicine and later EFT. I have been attempting to alleviate the pain from Systemic Lupus. At the time I connected with Konrad the Lupus was entering my nervous system following a major surgery. EFT was no longer giving me much relief. Konrad introduced me to Biogenealogy and Meta-Medicine. The difference is in the identification of the trauma and the target of treatment as my traumas were from my time in the womb. After the first time we worked together I had a stabbing pain along my left side that would not allow me to sleep or lie comfortably in bed. That pain left and has not returned. Since then I saw a neurologist for consultation as Lupus was entering my nervous system. I was having problems with balance and difficulty walking. Several tests were performed including an MRI and EEG to determine the extent of the damntIage. I continued tapping and targeting womb memories. This has continued and I eventually saw myself as a fetus ready for birth but greatly distressed. At that point with his direction I was able to tap on myself in both times. I wrapped the baby in a warm pink blanket and felt something major shift. There is more to do but I have made great progress and my pain is markedly reduced. Today I visited the neurologist for his final diagnosis and he was happy to tell me all he could find with all the diagnostic work was a history of migraine spots on my films and and some remaining Lupus. The damage to my nervous system should not have been reversable. However, it was no longer present. I intend to continue until the Lupus is no longer present. Then I plan to train as a practitioner of Meta-Medicine. Without Konrad Gorak none of this would have been possible. I know this sounds impossible but I am grateful to have recovery from the progression of Lupus entering my nervous system.



Relationship issue



I told you yesterday that you have saved my relationship from falling apart. But now I understand that the main problem was my frustration, guilt and feeling of being taken for granted. Everything I felt was created in my mind and it was me who created the problem in my relationship. Emotions were huge. You helped me relase them. Magical things happened today - my partner apologized me and we had the best day together ever. Thank you so much!!!

                                                         - Marie


Blood Phobia





"I've been looking for the answer since the very beginning of my Lupus. At the point where I wasn't able to work I devoted myself to finding the magical cure. I tried everything I could. All kind of therapies, alternative approach, pranic healing, reiki, raw food diet. Nothing worked. One day my friend told me about some guy running a seminar about chronic diseases in Warsaw. It was my last hope, so I registered for this event. It was the best day of my life, so I thought. I was so excited. But I have to tell you, the best day of my life is today as I am writing this testimonial for my dear friend, mentor and a man who gave me hope, knowledge and freedom, Yes, today I am 100% free of symptoms."

                                                                  - Anna






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